Can dogs eat mango? 

Dog eating mango and yogurt

For many people, a perfectly ripe, juicy mango is a burst of tropical sunshine on the palate. Since we love to share good things with our pups, you might wonder if mango is one of the tasty fruits that are ok to share with our dogs? The answer is yes, and in addition to being so delicious, they contain a number of vitamins that can be an important part of a dog’s diet. Before you let your dog partake in eating mango, however, be aware of a few cautions. Mango should be given in small amounts as a sweet treat and not be considered a major part of their diet. 

Table of contents:

  • Benefits
  • Concerns
  • How to feed mango to your dog
  • How much mango to feed your dog


Mangoes are delicious, sweet fruits, and your dog will happily slurp up any pieces that come their way. They are high in fiber, which is good for the digestive system overall and helps to clear constipation, and they contain vitamins A, B6, C, and E. Mangoes are also a good source of potassium, and they contain alpha and beta-carotene, which are anti-oxidants that have strong protective qualities on cells.  

They have a water content of about 85%, which is almost as high as watermelon or cantaloupe, and they can help keep your pup hydrated. 


Part of what we love about mangoes is their sweet taste. This comes from a lot of natural sugar, however. In fact, one mango can contain 46 grams of sugar, or the equivalent of 11 teaspoons. Dogs who have diabetes or who are obese should avoid eating mango due to this high sugar content.  

Too much mango (or any fruit) can lead to digestive troubles and cause belly aches and diarrhea. 

Mango peel is edible, but it is very tough and fibrous and could pose a choking hazard for your dog. It is also very difficult for them to digest and could lead to stomach upset. Mango peels also contain the compound urushiol, which is also found in poison ivy and poison oak. Best practice is to remove the peel from any mango you are giving your dog. 

How to feed mango to your dog 

Mangoes have one long flat seed in the center of the fruit. You should remove this pit before letting your dog eat any mango. Not only can it be a choking risk, but it can also become stuck in their digestive tract, which could lead to serious intestinal blockage. If you suspect your dog has swallowed a mango pit and loses their appetite or has trouble passing stool, contact your veterinarian right away.  

In addition, another important reason to remove the pit is that the pits of all stone fruits contain amygdalin, which the body converts to the poison cyanide. 

Mango flesh is soft and easy for your dog to eat, but you should still cut it into small pieces, especially if you have a smaller breed dog. They could also be mashed and added to your dog’s food or used as a treat in a Kong. 

Frozen chunks of mango can be a great treat for your dog on a hot day. 

Dogs can eat dried mango, but the fruit loses its vitamin benefits when dried and contains much more concentrated sugar, so the negative health impacts make it a treat that should be passed over in favor of one that is more healthful for your pup. If you buy dried mango at the store, check labels carefully as commercially dried mango might contain other ingredients as preservatives. 

How much mango to feed your dog 

Remember to treat mango as a sweet ‘sometime’ treat that should never make up more than about 10 percent of your dog’s daily diet. This will ensure they are getting the proper balance of nutrients that come from a healthy feeding plan.  

Keeping this in mind, your dog will certainly thank you when they get a taste of delicious, sweet, juicy mango. 


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