The Best Natural Sleep Aids for Dogs

The Best Natural Sleep Aids for Dogs

Reviewed by: Dr. Robert Menardi, DVM

Quality sleep is crucial for a dog’s overall health and well-being. Like humans, dogs require adequate rest to maintain physical and mental health. However, many pet owners often encounter sleep-related issues with their canine companions. 

Understanding the significance of a good night’s sleep for dogs and exploring natural remedies to improve their sleep patterns is essential. By recognizing the importance of addressing sleep disturbances in dogs and considering supportive solutions, pet owners can foster an environment conducive to better sleep for their beloved furry friends.

Why Do Dogs Struggle With Sleep? 

Dogs may struggle to sleep for a variety of reasons. Let’s explore some of these and look at possible solutions to support our dog’s sleep.

Age and Health Factors

Similar to humans, age impacts dogs’ sleep patterns. Puppies might have erratic sleep due to their growing bodies, while older dogs may experience sleep disruptions due to normal age-related issues like joint discomfort or cognitive changes.

Breed and Size Variations

Breed characteristics can influence sleep behavior. For instance, some breeds are more prone to sleep disturbances, while others are deep sleepers. Additionally, larger breeds might experience sleep-related issues due to joint discomfort.

Environmental Disruptions

Dogs are sensitive to changes in their environment. Noise, temperature fluctuations, or disruptions in their routine can disturb their sleep patterns, leading to restlessness or frequent waking.


Stress, separation distress, or unresolved behavioral issues can interfere with a dog’s ability to relax and sleep soundly. Dogs experiencing situational stress due to environmental factors may exhibit pacing, whining, or excessive barking, affecting their sleep quality.

Lack of Physical and Mental Stimulation

Dogs need regular exercise and mental stimulation. Insufficient physical activity or mental engagement during the day might result in excess energy that hinders relaxation at night.

Uncomfortable Sleeping Arrangements 

Inadequate bedding, uncomfortable sleeping surfaces, or cramped spaces can prevent dogs from settling comfortably for sleep, leading to restlessness.

Understanding these factors helps pet owners identify potential reasons behind their dog’s sleep disturbances. Recognizing that various elements contribute to their sleep struggles allows for proactive steps to improve their sleeping conditions. 

Are there natural solutions to support our dog’s sleep? Let’s explore natural remedies and ElleVet products specifically designed to address these challenges, aiding dogs in achieving better sleep patterns.

What Are Natural Remedies To Support Canine Sleep?

Exploring natural remedies can offer effective solutions to support a dog’s sleep patterns, maintaining a sense of relaxation and better rest. 

Aromatherapy for Relaxation

Aromatherapy using essential oils like lavender and chamomile can aid in calming anxious or restless dogs. Diluted forms of these oils can be diffused in the air or applied topically (carefully and in controlled amounts) to promote a serene sleep environment. Always consult your veterinarian before introducing any essential oils in your dog’s environment.

Calming Music or White Noise

Soft, soothing music or white noise can create a calming atmosphere for dogs. These gentle sounds can mask environmental noises that might disturb sleep, helping dogs relax and drift into a deeper sleep state.

Relaxation Techniques and Massage

Techniques like gentle massage or TTouch (Tellington Touch) can help relax dogs, reducing tension and promoting better sleep. Massaging your dog’s muscles in a gentle, rhythmic manner can ease stress and anxiety.

Herbal Teas and Supplements

Specialized herbal teas or supplements designed to aid relaxation in dogs are available. These blends often contain natural ingredients known for their calming effects, promoting a more peaceful sleep cycle for dogs.

Creating a Soothing Environment

Designing a comfortable and serene sleeping space is vital. Providing a cozy bed in a quiet, dimly lit area can encourage relaxation. Comfortable bedding and ensuring the room temperature is conducive to sleep contribute to a more restful environment.

Herbal Options 

Certain herbs possess calming properties that may be beneficial for inducing sleep in dogs. Chamomile, known for its soothing effects, can be brewed into a tea, added to a dog’s water, or incorporated into their diet. 

Valerian root and passionflower are also recognized for their relaxation benefits and can be found in supplement form for pets.

How Can CBD Support Canine Sleep?

We at ElleVet Sciences offer a range of CBD + CBDA products specifically designed to support various aspects of a dog’s well-being, including stress relief, joint discomfort, itching, cognitive support, and senior wellness. These products can support sleep quality for dogs experiencing sleep disturbances.

Stress Support

ElleVet’s products help dogs manage feelings of situational stress, aiding in relaxation and supporting a peaceful sleep environment.

Joint Discomfort Solutions

Dogs experiencing joint discomfort may struggle with sleep due to discomfort. Our products, such as CBD Oil For Dogs, help ease discomfort, potentially allowing dogs to rest more comfortably and enjoy uninterrupted sleep.

Skin Support

Skin challenges can disrupt a dog’s sleep. ElleVet’s formulations provide skin support and aim to soothe and provide comfort when your dog is experiencing itchy skin.

Senior/Cognitive Support

Aging dogs might face sleep disturbances due to cognitive changes. ElleVet’s products support senior dogs’ cognitive health and can help with sundowning in older dogs.

When integrating ElleVet’s products into a dog’s routine, it’s crucial to follow recommended dosages and guidelines. Combining ElleVet’s products with other natural sleep aids or lifestyle adjustments can create a holistic approach to improving a dog’s sleep quality.

What Are Lifestyle Adjustments To Enhance Canine Sleep?

Certain lifestyle adjustments can significantly improve a dog’s sleep quality. Let’s look at a few lifestyle adjustments you can make to enhance your furry friend’s sleep.

  • Consistent Sleep Routine: Establish a regular sleep schedule for your dog. Consistency in bedtime and wake-up times helps regulate their internal clock, promoting better sleep patterns.
  • Comfortable Sleeping Space: Provide a comfortable and cozy sleeping area for your dog. A well-padded bed in a quiet, dimly lit room away from disturbances ensures a relaxing environment conducive to sleep.
  • Regular Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Engage your dog in regular physical activity and mental stimulation during the day. Adequate exercise helps expend excess energy, promoting restful sleep. Mental challenges through puzzle toys or training exercises stimulate their minds, aiding in relaxation at bedtime.
  • Limit Stimulants Before Bed: Reduce stimulating activities or excessive play close to bedtime. Limiting food and water intake shortly before sleep prevents unnecessary disruptions like midnight bathroom breaks.
  • Minimize Stressors: Identify and minimize stressors in your dog’s environment. Whether it’s loud noises, new visitors, or changes in routine, minimizing stress-inducing factors promotes a calmer state conducive to better sleep.

How Can You Address Specific Sleep Challenges in Dogs?

Understanding and addressing specific sleep challenges can help alleviate disturbances your dog may face during sleep.

Stress-Induced Sleep Disturbances

Implement calming strategies to address stress-related sleep issues. Techniques like gradual desensitization or creating a safe space can help manage stress, promoting better sleep.

Senior Dog Sleep Challenges

Older dogs might experience sleep disruptions due to cognitive changes. Providing a comfortable sleeping environment and incorporating cognitive support supplements can aid in managing sleep disturbances in senior dogs.

Physical Discomfort 

Dogs with joint discomfort may struggle to find a comfortable sleeping position. Using supportive bedding or ElleVet’s products can soothe discomfort, enabling better sleep.

By adjusting your dog’s lifestyle and addressing specific sleep challenges, pet owners can play a proactive role in enhancing their dog’s sleep quality. These measures, combined with natural remedies and CBD + CBDA, offer comprehensive support for a restful night’s sleep for dogs.

Wrapping Up

Recognizing and addressing sleep issues in dogs is vital for their overall health and well-being. Understanding the various factors contributing to sleep disturbances, such as age, health conditions, and environmental factors, enables pet owners to take proactive steps in improving their furry companions’ sleep quality. 

Incorporating natural remedies, lifestyle adjustments, and ElleVet’s CBD + CBDA products offers a holistic approach to promoting better sleep for dogs. 

By creating a comfortable sleep environment, providing adequate exercise, and considering supportive aids, pet owners can significantly enhance their dog’s restfulness. Prioritizing a dog’s sleep health fosters a happier, healthier canine companion, emphasizing the importance of ensuring they receive the quality sleep they need for optimal well-being.


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