Pet’s Choice Veterinary Hospital: ElleVet’s July Clinic of the Month

veterinary clinic of the month is pets choice veterinary hospital

Pet’s Choice Veterinary Hospital

Sitka, Alaska

Pet’s Choice Veterinary Hospital in Sitka, Alaska provides high quality preventative, routine, and surgical care for dogs, cats, and exotic pets. They strive to provide the best quality care possible for their clients’ pets and offer multiple options, so owners are comfortable with their pet’s care. Pet’s Choice has a wonderful, compassionate team in place to deliver on that promise.

We recently caught up with the team at Pet’s Choice to learn more about day-to-day life at Pet’s Choice Veterinary Hospital.

How long has your clinic been in business? How did your clinic get started?

Dr. Victoria Vosburg started Pet’s Choice in 2011. Dr. Caraway purchased the single doctor practice in 2023!

What makes your clinic special?

We are small but mighty! We accomplish a great deal as a solo doc practice and continue to practice high quality medicine. This is sometimes a challenge living on an island, but we do the best we can for our clients and animals that live here.

What makes your team unique?

Our team has one LVT, 2 amazing assistants and a part time receptionist. They give 110% every day and make everyday fun!

What is the most unique animal that someone’s brought into your clinic?

We had the opportunity to assist a Fur Seal last year that was struggling in the harbor. We regularly provide care for Bald Eagles and the birds of the Alaska Raptor Center. We regularly see ducks, chickens, reptiles, rodents, rabbits in addition to dogs and cats!

Are there any interesting stories you’d like to share about your clinic?

Survival story: A golden retriever Stella first survived a land slide, then in a separate incident years later was lost and thought eaten by a bear and was found alive 2 months later! Surviving in the wilderness is no small feat and she was 13 at the time and is still with us at 14 years of age!

Do you have clinic dogs and/or cats?

We unfortunately lost our clinic cat to cancer, so we are between clinic cats at the moment, although we may be rescuing a 12-year-old soon. Dr. Caraway’s new pup has stepped in as moral officer in the meantime!

Pictured is Elsie, our clinic cat we just recently lost to bone cancer.

If your clinic had a theme song, what would it be?

Zac Brown Band’s Knee Deep.

If you had to choose three words to describe your clinic, what would they be?

Friendly, compassionate, and resourceful.

Why do you use ElleVet for your patients?

Because it is the best! We recommend it several times a day.

What is your clinic’s favorite ElleVet product?

Large dog Soft Chews.

Do you have a memorable story regarding a patient using ElleVet that you would like to share?

ElleVet has saved more than one of our patients from Quality-of-Life euthanasia and these are the most rewarding.

Congratulations to the team at Pet’s Choice Veterinary Hospital on being named ElleVet’s Clinic of the Month! We love working with you to help pets enjoy the quality of life they deserve!

At ElleVet, we’re honored to work with many incredible veterinarians and their passionate teams. We value their commitment to the health and happiness of our pets and are grateful for the patience, compassion, and dedication they bring to their work. We look forward to featuring a new clinic each month! 

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