Sebaceous Adenomas on Dogs

Learn about managing sebaceous adenomas on dogs, including information about the diagnosis process, care tips, and holistic support for senior dogs.

Reviewed by: Dr. Robert Menardi, DVM

Sebaceous adenomas, though often harmless, are skin growths that can affect our dogs, particularly as they age. While not usually a cause for immediate concern, these growths can raise questions and warrant attention from pet parents. 

As dogs grow older, these glandular tumors might become more prevalent, prompting a need for understanding their nature, identification, and management. It’s important to learn more about what they are, how to recognize them, potential causes, diagnostic procedures, and strategies for care. It is also important to understand how to differentiate sebaceous adenomas from growths that might be more dangerous.

What Are Sebaceous Adenomas? 

Sebaceous adenomas are non-cancerous, often small, raised nodules or growths that typically appear on a dog’s skin. They originate from the sebaceous glands, responsible for producing the oily substance (sebum) that lubricates the skin and hair.


These growths are usually smooth and firm and can vary in size, ranging from pea-sized to larger nodules. They may present as single growths or in clusters and often have a wart-like or cauliflower appearance. Their coloration can range from flesh-colored to black.

They commonly manifest on the trunk, back, neck, and legs of dogs. However, they can appear virtually anywhere on the skin’s surface. While these growths can develop at any age, they are more frequently observed in older dogs. Due to age-related changes in skin health and function, senior canines are more predisposed to these benign growths.

Symptoms and Signs

Sebaceous adenomas are usually asymptomatic, causing no discomfort or pain to the dog. Pet parents might notice these growths during routine grooming sessions or while petting their furry companions.

The precise cause of sebaceous adenomas isn’t definitively understood, but genetics and hormonal factors might play a role. Certain breeds might be more susceptible, and aging appears to increase the likelihood of their development.

Understanding these growths is crucial for timely identification and intervention. While typically benign, it’s essential to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and guidance. 

How Are Sebaceous Adenomas Diagnosed? 

Diagnosing sebaceous adenomas in dogs involves a systematic approach by veterinarians to ensure accurate identification and appropriate management.

  • Visual Examination: During a routine physical examination, veterinarians inspect the dog’s skin for any abnormal growths or lesions. Sebaceous adenomas, with their distinctive appearance, might be visually identified.
  • Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA): To confirm the diagnosis, veterinarians might perform an FNA. This procedure involves using a fine needle to extract cells from the growth, which are then examined under a microscope. FNA helps differentiate sebaceous adenomas from other skin masses or potential malignancies.
  • Biopsy: In some cases, a biopsy might be recommended for a definitive diagnosis. This involves surgically removing a sample of the growth for microscopic examination. Biopsies are especially useful if the growth exhibits atypical features or if malignancy cannot be ruled out.

What Veterinary Interventions Are Available for Sebaceous Adenomas? 

Upon confirmation of sebaceous adenomas, veterinarians discuss available interventions, including the following:


Often, these growths remain benign and asymptomatic, requiring only regular monitoring. Veterinarians might suggest observing the growths for any changes in size, appearance, or behavior.

Surgical Removal

Surgical excision may be considered if the growths become bothersome or potentially interfere with the dog’s comfort or movement. This procedure involves removing the growths under anesthesia. However, weighing the risks associated with surgery, especially in older dogs is crucial.

Discussion and Consultation

Veterinarians engage pet parents in discussions about the best course of action, considering the dog’s age, overall health, and individual circumstances.

It’s vital to approach any skin growth with caution and seek professional advice. While sebaceous adenomas are typically benign, a veterinarian’s expertise ensures accurate diagnosis and appropriate intervention, taking into account the dog’s well-being.

For older dogs, especially, these growths might be more frequent and might require extra attention. Beyond sebaceous adenomas, senior dogs benefit from holistic care approaches and it’s important to explore comprehensive ways to support the health and comfort of aging canine companions.

How Can Sebaceous Adenomas in Dogs Be Managed at Home? 

Managing sebaceous adenomas at home involves proactive steps to ensure the comfort and well-being of your dog.

  • Regular Grooming: Regular grooming sessions help monitor your dog’s skin health and detect any changes in the growths. Gentle brushing and bathing can also aid in keeping the skin clean and reduce irritation.
  • Skin Health Maintenance: Using gentle, pet-safe shampoos and moisturizers can help maintain skin health. Avoid harsh products that may irritate the skin or worsen the growths.
  • Hygiene Practices: Keep the areas around the growths clean and dry. Ensure your dog’s living environment, including bedding and resting areas, is clean and comfortable.
  • Avoiding Trauma: As these growths are often benign, avoid unnecessary touching, scratching, or attempts to manipulate the growths to prevent any potential trauma or infection.
  • Consultation With a Veterinarian: Regular check-ups with your veterinarian are crucial to monitor the growths’ status and any changes. Seek guidance if you notice any alterations in the growths’ appearance, size, or behavior.

By maintaining good hygiene practices and monitoring your dog’s skin health, you can contribute significantly to their comfort and well-being, especially in managing sebaceous adenomas.

How Can You Address Health Concerns for Older Dogs?

Caring for older dogs involves a holistic approach to ensure their overall health and happiness. This section will closely examine some holistic methods you can use to care for your senior dog. 


Providing a balanced diet tailored to their specific needs is crucial. Consider senior dog formulas rich in nutrients to support aging joints, cognitive health, and immune function.

Regular Exercise

Tailor exercise routines to accommodate your dog’s age and physical abilities. Gentle walks, play sessions, and mental stimulation activities can help maintain mobility and mental acuity.

Supplemental Support

Consider supplements designed for senior dogs to support joint health, cognitive function, and overall vitality. 

Regular Veterinary Check-ups

Scheduled veterinary visits become even more critical for older dogs. These appointments allow for early detection of health issues and tailored guidance for their specific needs.

Comfort and Companionship 

Provide a comfortable and safe environment for your aging dog. Offer plenty of love, attention, and companionship to support their emotional well-being.

Pay attention to your older dog’s emotional needs. Spend quality time engaging in activities they enjoy, such as gentle play, puzzle toys, or interactive games that stimulate their minds. 

Providing mental stimulation and maintaining social interaction helps prevent boredom and contributes to their overall happiness and mental health in their later years.

Environmental Modifications

Make adjustments in the home environment to accommodate your older dog’s needs. Consider providing ramps or steps to assist with climbing onto furniture or into vehicles. 

Ensure slip-resistant surfaces to prevent falls and injuries. Creating a comfortable and easily accessible living space can greatly benefit senior dogs, especially those with mobility issues.

By taking a holistic approach to senior dog care, pet parents can optimize their older dog’s quality of life and ensure they enjoy their golden years comfortably and happily.

How can CBD Provide Support Tailored to Senior Dogs? 

CBD support solutions can address specific needs in senior dogs, focusing on enhancing their overall well-being and comfort.

Stress Management

CBD provides calming support for senior dogs experiencing stress or worry, supporting a sense of relaxation and tranquility.

Joint Comfort and Mobility Support

As pups age, they tend to experience joint discomfort and difficulty moving around. Our tailored formulations target joint discomfort, supporting mobility and aging joints, allowing older dogs to move more comfortably.

Cognitive Support

For senior dogs experiencing cognitive decline, CBD can offer support for cognitive function and mental acuity, contributing to a better quality of life.

Wrapping Up

Understanding and managing sebaceous adenomas in older dogs are essential aspects of responsible pet ownership. While these benign growths may not pose immediate threats, staying informed and proactive is crucial. 

Seeking veterinary guidance for diagnosis and intervention is paramount, ensuring the best care for your furry friend. Additionally, as dogs age, holistic care becomes pivotal. 

Pet parents can support their older dog’s quality of life by adopting a comprehensive approach to senior dog health, focusing on nutrition, exercise, regular check-ups, and targeted support through CBD + CBDA. 

Embracing these strategies allows older dogs to thrive during their golden years alongside their devoted human companions.


Age-related digestibility of nutrients depending on the moisture content in aged dogs | NIH

Utilizing dog-computer interactions to provide mental stimulation in dogs especially during aging | NIH

CBD for dogs with arthritis: What does the science actually say? | CARE

Efficacy and safety of cannabidiol for the treatment of canine osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of animal intervention studies | Frontiers

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