Signs of Anxiety in Dogs: What To Look For

dachshund under a woven hemp blanket

Anxiety in dogs is a serious issue that can significantly impact their overall well-being and quality of life. Just like humans, dogs can experience anxiety and related disorders, and pet owners must recognize the signs and take appropriate measures to address this condition. 

Untreated anxiety can lead to behavioral problems, health issues, and a decreased sense of security for your furry companion. By understanding and addressing anxiety in dogs, pet owners can provide a supportive and comforting environment for their canine friends.

In this article, we will delve into the topic of dog anxiety, aiming to provide pet owners with valuable insights and practical guidance. By recognizing these signs, pet parents can proactively address their dog’s anxiety and improve their overall well-being.

What Is Dog Anxiety?

As pet owners, it’s essential to recognize the emotional well-being of our beloved canine companions. Dogs, like humans, can experience stress and anxiety, but it’s crucial to distinguish between situational stress and general anxiety in order to provide them with the appropriate care and support.

Situational stress refers to temporary or short-term feelings of stress triggered by specific events or circumstances. Common examples include thunderstorms, fireworks, car rides, visits to the veterinarian, or being left alone for an extended period. 

Dogs may exhibit signs of situational stress, such as restlessness, trembling, excessive barking, panting, hiding, or destructive behavior. While situational stress can be distressing for dogs, it typically resolves once the triggering event is over.

On the other hand, general anxiety in dogs is characterized by persistent and long-term feelings of unease and apprehension. Unlike situational stress, general anxiety may not have an apparent cause or trigger. 

Dogs with general anxiety may display chronic symptoms such as excessive barking, pacing, compulsive behaviors (such as tail chasing or licking), aggression, loss of appetite, changes in sleep patterns, or withdrawal from social interactions. General anxiety requires careful attention and intervention from pet owners and, in some cases, professional guidance from veterinarians or animal behaviorists.

Understanding the difference between situational stress and general anxiety is crucial for devising appropriate strategies to support our canine companions. For situational stress, providing a calm and secure environment, using positive reinforcement techniques, creating safe spaces or using calming aids (such as pheromone diffusers or CBD and CBDA products) can help soothe their temporary distress. 

However, dogs experiencing general anxiety may benefit from a multifaceted approach, including behavior modification techniques, environmental enrichment, regular exercise, and, in some cases, prescription medication prescribed by a veterinarian.

What Factors Contribute to Anxiety in Dogs?

Several factors can contribute to the development of anxiety in dogs. Understanding these contributing factors can assist pet owners in identifying potential triggers and implementing preventive measures.

  • Genetic Predispositions: Certain breeds may be more susceptible to anxiety disorders due to their genetic makeup. When selecting a dog, it’s important to be aware of breed-specific tendencies and potential predispositions to anxiety.
  • Early Life Experiences: Traumatic events, insufficient socialization during critical developmental periods, or negative experiences in puppyhood can impact a dog’s ability to cope with stress and anxiety later in life.
  • Environmental Factors: Changes in routine, moving to a new home, exposure to loud noises, or living in a chaotic environment can all contribute to anxiety in dogs. Sudden disruptions or unfamiliar situations can trigger or exacerbate anxiety.
  • Previous Negative Experiences: Dogs with a history of traumatic events, abuse, or neglect may be more prone to anxiety. These experiences can have a lasting impact on their emotional well-being. 

What Are the Behavioral Signs of Anxiety?

Recognizing the signs of anxiety in dogs is vital for early intervention and effective management. If you notice the following changes in your dog’s behavior, it could be a sign of anxiety. 

Excessive Barking or Howling

One of dogs’ most common behavioral signs of anxiety is excessive barking or howling. An anxious dog may bark excessively, especially when left alone or in unfamiliar situations. This vocalization is their way of expressing distress and seeking attention or reassurance. 

It’s important to differentiate between normal barking and anxiety-driven barking to understand your dog’s emotional state and address their needs accordingly. Dogs howl for a variety of reasons, so just because they’re being vocal, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re anxious.

Destructive Behavior and Chewing

Anxiety can lead to destructive behavior, such as chewing on furniture, shoes, or other household items. Dogs may experience such behavioral issues as a way to cope with their anxiety or alleviate stress. 

If your dog frequently destroys objects when left alone or exhibits destructive behavior in specific situations, it may be a sign of anxiety. Providing appropriate outlets for chewing, such as chew toys or bones, can help redirect their chewing behavior and relieve anxiety.

Urination and Defecation Accidents

Anxiety in dogs can also manifest as accidents, even in house-trained dogs. When feeling anxious or stressed, dogs may lose control of their bladder or bowels, resulting in accidents indoors. 

This behavior is often seen in dogs with separation anxiety or in response to certain triggers, such as thunderstorms or fireworks. Understanding the underlying anxiety behind these accidents is crucial to addressing the issue effectively.

Pacing, Restlessness, and Inability to Settle

Restlessness and pacing are common behavioral signs of anxiety in dogs. An anxious dog may constantly move around the house, unable to settle or relax. They may exhibit repetitive behaviors like circling or continually changing positions. 

This restlessness is a manifestation of their internal unease and a way of coping with their anxiety. Providing a calm and secure environment and mental stimulation can help alleviate their restlessness.

Aggressive Behavior and Growling

Anxiety can trigger aggressive behavior in dogs, leading to growling, snapping, or biting. Anxious dogs may feel threatened or overwhelmed in certain situations, causing them to display defensive aggression. 

It’s important to address this behavior cautiously and seek professional guidance from a dog trainer or veterinary behaviorist. Understanding the root cause of their anxiety and implementing appropriate behavior modification techniques can help mitigate aggressive responses.

Drooling and Excessive Panting

Excessive drooling and panting are physical manifestations of anxiety in dogs. When dogs are anxious, their salivary glands may become overactive, resulting in excessive drooling. 

Similarly, panting excessively, even when the weather is not hot, can signify anxiety. These physical signs often accompany other behavioral indicators of anxiety and can serve as important cues for pet owners to recognize their dog’s emotional state.

What Are the Physical Signs of Anxiety?

In addition to behavioral signs, your dog might also experience the following physical signs:

Increased Heart Rate and Rapid Breathing

Anxiety in dogs can cause physiological changes, including an increased heart rate and rapid breathing. When dogs are anxious, their heart rate accelerates, and their breathing becomes shallow and rapid. 

You may notice these physical signs during situations that trigger their anxiety, such as visits to the veterinarian or encounters with unfamiliar people or animals. Monitoring your dog’s heart rate and respiration can help gauge the severity of their anxiety and guide your approach to managing it.

Trembling and Shaking

Trembling and shaking are common physical signs displayed by anxious dogs. When dogs feel anxious or stressed, their muscles may tremble involuntarily. This trembling can range from subtle shivering to more pronounced shaking

It’s important to note that other factors, such as cold temperatures or medical conditions, can also cause trembling. However, when observed in conjunction with other signs of anxiety, it indicates emotional distress.

Excessive Shedding and Grooming

Anxiety in dogs can lead to excessive shedding and compulsive grooming. Dogs may excessively lick, chew, or bite their fur or skin as a way to self-soothe or alleviate anxiety. This behavior can result in patches of hair loss, skin irritation, or even self-inflicted injuries. 

Regular grooming sessions and maintaining a healthy coat can help monitor any changes in your dog’s grooming patterns and detect signs of anxiety.

Loss of Appetite or Overeating

Fluctuations in appetite are common when dogs experience anxiety. Some anxious dogs may lose interest in food and exhibit a decreased appetite, while others may seek comfort in overeating. 

These changes in eating patterns can be indications of emotional distress. Monitoring your dog’s eating habits and providing a balanced diet is essential to ensure their overall well-being, especially during times of increased anxiety.

Licking or Chewing Paws

Anxious dogs often exhibit compulsive behaviors, such as excessive licking or chewing of their paws. This behavior is known as acral lick dermatitis or lick granuloma and is believed to be a self-soothing mechanism. 

The constant licking or chewing can cause skin irritation, inflammation, and even infection. Identifying the underlying anxiety triggers and providing alternative outlets for stress relief can help address this behavior effectively.

What Are Common Triggers of Dog Anxiety?

It’s important to remember that not all dogs will have the same anxiety triggers. However, these are a few common occurrences that have been known to trigger dogs with anxiety: 

Fear of Loud Noises

Many dogs experience anxiety and fear when exposed to loud noises, like thunderstorms or fireworks. The sudden and unpredictable nature of these sounds can trigger intense anxiety responses. Dogs may exhibit behaviors like shaking, panting, hiding, excessive drooling, and attempting to escape.

To help manage their anxiety during these situations, create a safe and comfortable space for them indoors, away from windows or other sources of noise. Use white noise machines or calming music to mask the sounds of thunder or fireworks. 

Consider using anxiety-reducing products like Thundershirts, which provide gentle pressure to help dogs feel secure. Calming supplements or medications prescribed by a veterinarian may also be helpful in extreme cases.

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety can be challenging for both dogs and their owners. Dogs love being around their owners, and it’s hard for them to understand that sometimes you must leave for a little while

To address separation anxiety, gradually acclimate your dog to being alone by leaving for short periods and gradually increasing the duration. Provide mental stimulation with puzzle toys or treat-dispensing toys to keep them occupied. 

Consider using tools like interactive cameras or two-way audio devices to reassure your dog remotely. In severe cases, a professional dog trainer or a veterinary behaviorist can guide you in implementing behavior modification techniques and developing a comprehensive treatment plan.

Anxiety in Social Situations

Most dogs exhibit some anxiety when encountering strangers or being in unfamiliar environments. For dogs with high levels of anxiety, it can be especially brutal. 

They might even display these signs around a family member or in familiar environments such as dog parks, kennels, dog shows, and doggy daycares. 

It’s important to gradually introduce dogs to new people and environments, using positive reinforcement techniques to build their confidence and association with positive experiences. Gradual exposure to controlled socialization environments, such as supervised playdates with calm and friendly dogs, can help build their confidence. 

If necessary, seek the guidance of a professional dog trainer to address specific anxiety triggers and improve their socialization skills.

Travel-related anxiety is another common trigger for dogs. Some dogs may feel anxious or nauseous during car rides, leading to excessive drooling, panting, vomiting, or restlessness. Gradual desensitization to car rides, positive reinforcement techniques, and a comfortable and secure travel environment can help reduce their anxiety. 

Also, consult a veterinarian about potential anti-anxiety medication (over-the-counter and prescription medications are available). On the other hand, you could opt for natural remedies like calming pheromone sprays or herbal supplements that may be beneficial in managing travel-related anxiety.

Phobias and Specific Fears

Dogs can develop phobias and specific fears towards certain objects, situations, or experiences. It could be fear of specific sounds, like vacuum cleaners or sirens, or aversion to certain types of handling or grooming. 

Understanding the triggers that evoke fear and anxiety in dogs is essential for managing their specific phobias. Behavior modification techniques, including desensitization and counterconditioning, can be employed to help dogs overcome their fears gradually. 

In severe cases, consultation with a veterinary behaviorist may be necessary to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Final Thoughts on Happy and Anxiety-Free Dogs

Throughout this article, we have explored the signs, triggers, and management of anxiety in dogs. By being attentive to our dogs’ behavior and taking appropriate steps, we can help them lead happier and anxiety-free lives.

If your dog displays signs of anxiety, it is important not to dismiss or ignore them. Seeking professional help from a veterinarian or veterinary behaviorist can provide valuable guidance and support. 

They can assess your dog’s needs and recommend behavior-modification techniques as a potential anxiety treatment. They might recommend using medications such as antidepressants to help regulate your dog’s serotonin. 

Promoting a happy and anxiety-free life for dogs requires a holistic approach. Beyond addressing anxiety symptoms, providing a loving and supportive environment for our canine companions is crucial. This includes regular exercise, mental stimulation, positive reinforcement training, and consistent routines. 

Creating a safe space, incorporating calming strategies during anxiety-inducing events, and fostering a strong bond based on trust and understanding are also vital for their well-being. Being proactive and compassionate pet parents can make a significant difference in our dogs’ lives.


Understanding, Preventing, and Treating Dog Anxiety | AKC

Explaining Destructive Behavior in Dogs | MSPCA-Angell

Defensive Aggression | Marin Humane Society

Diagnosis and Treatment of Canine Acral Lick Dermatitis | NCBI Bookshelf

Desensitization and Counterconditioning: When and How? | NIH

A Review of Pre-Appointment Medications To Reduce Fear and Anxiety in Dogs and Cats at Veterinary Visits | PMC

The 5 Best Medications For Anxious Dogs | Kingsdale Animal Hospital

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