Do dogs like music?

Dog listening to music

There are playlists for everyone and everything from calming down before bed, to getting in the zone for a workout or sporting event, and even stimulating babies still in their mothers’ bellies. But do dogs enjoy music as much as humans do? Let’s explore how dogs react to different kinds of music and how owners can use music with their dogs. 

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Do dogs like music?

Every dog is different. But there are entire Spotify playlists devoted to our furry friends, so some dogs must like music, right? 

The best way to work out if your dog likes music is to try playing them some tunes and taking note of how they react! If your dog does seem to have a positive reaction and likes listening to music, keep using it as an enrichment tool. 

While some dogs may seem to enjoy music, others may be indifferent or even distressed by it. Research has shown that dogs have a much stronger sense of hearing than humans, so it makes sense that they have different preferences when it comes to sound. 

What types of music do dogs like? 

Studies have suggested that dogs may prefer certain types of music over others. For example, classical music and soft rock may have a calming effect on dogs, while heavy metal or rap may have a negative effect.  

Because dogs can hear higher frequency and lower volume sounds than we can, both high-pitched and loud sounds can be unpleasant for dogs. Can you imagine a drum beating or a fire alarm blaring right in your ear? Music with these types of noises is amplified and can be understandably distressing for dogs. 

It’s also been suggested that dogs may respond well to music with similar frequencies and tempos to their heartbeats. These sounds can mimic a mother or littermate’s heartbeat, which can have a soothing effect. It’s important to note that individual dogs may have their own preferences, so it’s worth experimenting with different types of music to see what your dog responds to best. 

How do dogs react to music? 

When dogs hear music, they may display a range of behaviors. Some may become more relaxed or even fall asleep, while others may become more agitated or anxious. A review of how dogs respond to different styles of music found that as a general rule, classical music is considered the most soothing music for pups. When this style of music is played, dogs spend more time lying down and resting, and less time barking. 

Another study found that while dogs initially respond favorably to classical music, over time they seem to prefer reggae and soft rock. These genres had the most positive effects on behavior in more long-term studies. Stress levels decreased and dogs spent the most time lying down when listening to these two styles of music.   

In contrast, when heavy metal is played, dogs seem to spend more time barking, and their behavior becomes more nervous. Finally, pop music doesn’t seem to have any effect on dog behavior.   

How do I know if my dog likes music? 

It’s important to pay attention to your dog’s body language and behavior when they are exposed to music, as this can give you a better idea of whether they enjoy it or not. Even if your dog doesn’t react, playing some calming classical music may help you relax, which can in turn help your pup. 

Signs that your dog is enjoying the music may include: 

  • Calm breathing 
  • Relaxed posture 
  • Closed eyes 

Signs that your dog is stressed may include: 

  • Shaking 
  • Panting 
  • Pacing  

Can I use music to calm my dog?

Just like humans, dogs can be soothed by certain sounds and music can have a calming effect on them. If you want to use music to calm your dog, there are a few things you can try: 

Choose the right type of music: As mentioned earlier, dogs may respond well to calming genres like classical music, soft rock, or reggae. These styles tend to have slower tempos and more consistent rhythms, which can be soothing. Experiment with different types of music to see what works best for your dog. 

Create a relaxing environment: Offer a quiet space where your dog can rest. They should feel safe and comfortable, so provide a bed and or blankets in a quiet corner of your home. Turn down the lights, and play the music at a low volume. 

Play the music at the right time: You can play music to calm your dog during times when they are likely to be stressed, such as during thunderstorms, fireworks, or when you’re leaving the house. This can help your dog feel more relaxed and secure. 

Monitor your dog’s behavior: Pay attention to your dog’s body language and behavior when they are exposed to music. If your dog seems stressed or agitated, try a different type of music or turn it off altogether. 

How can ElleVet CBD + CBDA help stressed dogs? 

Dogs can experience generalized or acute stress for a variety of reasons. ElleVet’s CBD + CBDA chews, soft gels, and oils can help dogs’ general stress levels decrease and return to a normal state of balance. CBD + CBDA can be extremely helpful in truly calming without sedating so these dogs can learn to relax in highly stimulating situations and environments.  

For dogs who experience situational stress, ElleVet’s Calm & Comfort chews act quickly to provide maximum support when dogs need it most. When given 1.5-2 hours ahead of your departure, new experience, or other triggering event, these chews are extremely effective in addressing dogs’ acute level of stress.  

As always, consult your veterinarian if your dog shows signs of stress. For any questions about ElleVet’s CBD + CBDA products or how CBD can help your dog live their best life, give us a call (844-673-7287) or send us an email ([email protected]). We are here to help. 

What about other sounds? 

Dogs are social animals and typically seek companionship from their owners, other people, or fellow pets. When you have to leave your dog home alone, providing some stimulation that mimics human interaction can help dogs feel more relaxed. This is why many dog owners opt to leave on the television, radio, or even play audiobooks for their dogs while they’re away. 

Researchers have found that playing audiobooks can encourage dogs to spend time resting. In fact, the positive effects were greater than any musical genre. You may want to select an audiobook narrated by someone of the same gender as you or with a similar voice. This is particularly true for dogs who experience heightened stress around people of a specific gender. Alternatively, some pup parents record themselves reading a book—nothing is more comforting for a dog than the sound of their owner’s voice. 

White noise, a type of constant, soothing sound, can mask or drown out other noises that may be causing stress for your furry friend, such as thunderstorms or fireworks. Much like soothing music, the sound of white noise is also similar to the comforting sounds of a mother dog’s heartbeat or breathing. Some pet owners use white noise to help drown out outside noises that may be disturbing their dog’s sleep, leading to a better night’s rest for everyone. 

So, do dogs like music? 

Many dogs enjoy music, but it depends on the individual dog and the type of music being played. If you’re interested in playing music for your dog, it’s important to start with calming genres like classical music or soft rock and monitor their behavior. The right music can be an excellent tool to help calm your dog when they are stressed from loud noises, separation, or any unfamiliar or uncomfortable situation. 

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